22-01 Autopilot Systems
22-02 Autopilot Disengaged Warning System
22-03 Yaw Damper
22-04 Autothrottle System
22-05 Mach Trim System
22-06 SP-300/Collins Flight and Approach Mode Annunciations
22-07 Dual Angle of Attack Sensors/Stall Warning System Sensors/Alpha Vanes
22-08 Autothrottle Disengage Lights
22-09 Speed Trim Fail Light System
22-10 Speed Trim System
22-11 STAB OUT OF TRIM Light
22-14 Mode Control Panel Selectors
22-15 Mode Control Panel Switches/Paddles
22-16 Mode Control Panel Windows
22-17 Takeoff/Go-Around (TO/GA) Switches
22-18 Mode Control Panel Switch Lights
22-19 Thrust Mode Annunciator/Thrust Mode Display
22-20 Automatic Landing System