- All Flags In View:
All flags in-view indicates a power loss. The power loss can be caused by a power failure to the indicator or the internal power supply in the HSI.
ALL FLAGS IN VIEW1.Check for power at cannon plug on back of HSI (Connector D43-Capt , D45-FO's Pin40, 26VAC).
2.If power is available at the cannon plug then replace the indicator.
3.If power is not available at the cannon plug then trouble shoot power source.
Circuit Breakers:F/O XFMR (ALT): P18-2 = B4.
Capt cmps xfmr (ALT): P6-1 = B12.
Instrument Transformer 2: P6-1 = A12.
Instrument Transformer 1: P18-2 = A1.
Notes:The Captains HSI receives power from the 115v AC STBY Bus. If this bus is not powered you will get all flags in-view on the Captains ADI and HSI, and the F/O RDDMI. If this happens check standby power switch on the P5 panel. Lift the cap and ensure that the switch is fully in the "Auto" position. This switch has a tendency to hang up between Off and Auto when the cap is closed.
Applicable deferrals None.