- Single flag in view by itself (A/S or MACH or VMO flag):
1.Replace indicator.
A/S flag in view with MACH and VMO flags:1.Replace ADC.
2.Replace indicator.
3.Check wiring from ADC to indicator
MACH and VMO flags With NO OFF flag on Electric Altimeter:1.Replace indicator.
2.Check wiring from ADC to indicator.
MACH and VMO flags With OFF flag on Electric Altimeter:1.Replace ADC.
2.Check wiring from ADC to indicator.
Speed cursor INOP flag in-view and cursor stows at 440KTS:1.Perform DFCS BITE library test #9, Mach/Airspeed interface for on-side FCC. Replace FCC or indicator based on BITE results.
2.Check wiring from FCC to indicator.
Speed Cursor INOP flags are in-view on BOTH Mach Airspeed Indicator:1.Replace Mode Control Panel (MCP).
2.Check wiring from FCC to indicators.
ALL Flags In-view on Mach Airspeed Indicator:1.Check for power to the cannon plug at the indicator.
2.If power is available at the cannon plug replace the indicator.
3.If power is NOT available at the cannon plug then trouble shoot the power source
Circuit Breakers:Capt Mach Airspeed Indicator: P18-2 = B10.
F/O's Mach Airspeed Indicator: P6-1 = C5.
Capt Air data Computer 26VAC: P18-2 = A9.
Capt Air data Computer 115VAC: P18-2 = A8.
F/O's Air data Computer 26VAC: P6-1 = B6.
F/O's Air data Computer 115VAC: P6-1 = B7.
Mach Warn Sys 1: P18-2 = B7.
Mach Warn Sys 2: P6-1 = C7.
Notes:You can have a +-2 knot split per amm34-12-00-735-044.
Applicable deferrals 34-31=Speed Cursor Remote Drives. 34-1=Mach Airspeed Indications. 34-1-04=One airspeed cursor may be inoperative 34-1-05=External airspeed marker bugs. 34-1-06=Digital airspeed readout. 34-2=Maximum Operating Speed Indication (barber pole).