- Aircraft configuration prior to reset:
Aircraft on ground.
Circuit breakers to reset:
Steps to clear warning:Open associated breakers for 3 seconds, then close. If this does not work pull and reset these circuit breakers (49VU-MCDU#1/B01)+(49VU SDAC#1/F04)+(49VU FWC#1/F01)+(121VU CFDIU/J18) (121VU VHF#3/L05)+(121VU MCDU#2/N20)+(121VU FWC#2/Q07)
Reset duration:Approx. 2 minutes.
Results of power up test or reset:Pass: ATSU selectable.
Fail: ATSU not selectable.
Notes:Here you go Lukas!.
Sign off:AMM46-21-00-740-001.
Applicable deferrals:MEL23-24-01=ACARS.