- Aircraft configuration prior to reset:
On ground, hydraulics depressurized, engines stopped.
Circuit breakers to reset:
Steps to clear warning:Open associated breakers for 5 seconds, then close.Only reset one breaker at time, reseting both system breakers could lock out WTB.
Reset duration:60 seconds.
Results of power up test or reset:Pass: Fault clears.
Fail: Fault remains.
Notes:Slats slow or flaps slow message will display only durning operation. Remember running slats/flaps without all hydraulics on can cause these faults to display. Slats use Blue & Green hydraulics. Flaps use Yellow & Green hydraulics.
Sign off:AMM27-51-00-740-002.
Applicable deferrals:MEL27-51-01=Slat/Flap Control System (SFCS).