- Aircraft configuration prior to reset:
ECAM warning displayed and will not clear. Engines shut down.
Circuit breakers to reset:None
Steps to clear warning:Select A/THR pushbutton on FCU, the pushbutton will illuminate, then push the red instinctive disconnect button on one of the thrust levers. If message is still displayed, cycle the FADEC switches on the 50VU, if no help reset FCU’s then FMGC’s then try realigning ADIRU’s.
Reset duration:10 seconds.
Results of power up test or reset:Pass: Message will clear and not recall.
Fail: A/THR OFF message will display.
Notes:A/THR pushbutton must not be selected before starting engines. The message is latched and will not clear using the CLR key on the ECAM control panel. If this occurs after engines start,the message will be reset(cleared) upon takeoff power selection. (Thanks Chute for the update)
Sign off:AMM22-91-00-710-001. (AFS Ground Scan)
AMM22-96-00-710-001-A. (AFS Test)
Applicable deferrals:MEL22-30-01=Autothrust Function.